The goal of music ministry is to lead and facilitate the full, active, and conscious participation of the congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church parish in the sung prayer associated with the liturgical celebrations of the parish.
Each ministry ensemble has this goal at the heart of its ministry. Each ensemble meets this goal through a variety of styles and genres of liturgical music.
The 9AM mass is facilitated by an organist.
The 11AM mass is facilitated by an adult ensemble which uses a variety of instruments including keyboard, guitar, bass, drums/percussion, and synthesizer. The songs used at this mass are printed on a song sheet each week with the permission of various licensing companies. The music selections for this mass would be considered from a more contemporary genre. There is a large variety of musical styles used at this mass. There are currently four men and six women who are serving as music ministers at this mass.
This ensemble of instruments and voices rehearses on Thursdays from 6:30-8:30PM in the church. This group meets at 10:15 on Sunday mornings to set up and have music prep with the assembly 10 minutes before mass.
The 5PM Sunday evening mass is facilitated by the LIFETEEN band which uses a variety of instruments including keyboard, guitar, and drums. The songs used at this mass are printed on a song sheet each week with the permission of various licensing companies. The music selections for this mass are from the contemporary genre. The musical styles used for this mass are specifically oriented to the teens of the parish. There are currently four men and four teens who are serving as music ministers at this mass. This ensemble of instruments and voices rehearses on Sunday afternoons and have music prep with the assembly 10 minutes before mass.
For information call Sacred Heart's Parish office at 337-364-4439